Sundown to Sundown is how many celebrate a day of rest, the Sabbath. Whether one rests on one particular day each week, or whichever day one can possibly get some down time for the practice of rest, I think we can all agree that rest is very important.
Rest looks different, feels different, and is practiced differently from person to person, community to community, across the globe.
But we all need rest.
Need some suggestions? Here are mine:
Take some time to pamper yourself! Try out a face mask, draw a hot bath, listen to some music!

Go take a walk! Enjoy the sun and the scenery where you live! Get a little exercise and some fresh air. Take pics as you go so you remember how much fun this was!

Sunshine is a great way to fight depression! Exercise can help relieve anxiety!

Spend time with your family & friends! Do something together you all enjoy; walk together, play a game, go bowling, play a round of mini-golf, visit a museum, or just cuddle on the couch!

Whatever you do today, I hope that you can take some time to rest, or at least put "Rest Time" on your calendar for this week! We have to take care of ourselves!
Suzanne, the Laughing Scholar
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